Software Protection Service Windows 8 Disable

Windows Software Protection is a fake rogue anti-spyware programthat is part of the FakeMicrosoft Security Essentials infection. When this infection is installedon your computer it will display a fake Microsoft Security Essentials alertthat states that it has detected an Unknown Win32/Trojan onyour computer. This alert will state:

Microsoft Security Essentials Alert
Potential Threat Details

Microsoft Security Essentials detected potential threats that might compromiseyour private or damage your computer. Your access to these items may be suspendeduntil you take an action. Click 'show details' to learn more.

It will then prompt you to scan your computer, which will start a fake scanof your computer that ultimately states that a particular file is infected withTrojan.Horse.Win32.PAV.64.a. It will then prompt you to installWindows Software Protection to remove the virus. The text of this prompt is:

Threat prevention solution found
Security system analysis has revealed critical file system vulnerability causedby severe malware attacks.
Risk of system files infection:
The detected vulnerability may result in unauthorized access to private informationand hard drive data with a seriuos possibility of irreversible data loss andunstable PC performance. To remove the malware please run a full system scan.Press 'OK' to install the software necessary to initiate system files check.To complete the installation process please reboot your computer.

This video show How to Start or Stop Software Protection Service in Windows 10 Pro. I use Dell Inspiron 14 3000 Series in this tutorial.

When you press OK, the infection will download and install Windows Software Protection and reboot your computer.

When your computer reboots you will be presented with the Windows Software Protection screen before your normal Windows desktop is shown. It then prompts youto scan your computer, which will state that your computer is infected withnumerous infections. In order to get to your normal Windows desktop, you willneed to close the Windows Software Protection program when it has finished itsfake scan. As you can see this program is a scam as it is ransoming the properoperation of your computer until you purchase it. It goes without saying thatyou should not purchase this program for any reason.

While the program is running it will also display fake security alerts thatare further used to scare you into thinking that your computer has a seriousproblem. Some of these alerts include:

System Security Warning
Attempt to modify register key entries is detected. Register entriesanalysis is recommended.

System component corrupted!
System reboot error has occurred due to lsass.exesystem process failure.
This may be caused by severe malware infections.
Automatic restore of lsass.exe backup copy completed.
The correct system performance can not be resumed without eliminating thecause of lsass.exe corruption.

Name: c:program filesfirefoxfirefox.exe
Application that seems to be a key-logger is detected. System informationsecurity is at risk. It is recommended to enable the security mode and runtotal System scanning.

Just like the fake scan results, these alerts are also fake and are only beingused to scare you into purchasing the program. Therefore, please ignore them.

As you can see, Windows Software Protection was created to scare you into thinkingyour computer has a severe security problem so that you will then purchase thisprogram. For no reason should you purchase Windows Software Protection, andif you already have, you should contact your credit card company and disputethe charges stating that the program is a computer infection. Finally, to removethis infection, and any related malware, please use the removal guide below.

The Software Protection service is Windows 8 has a long, unhelpful description: Download driver gadmei utv 330 win xp.

Enables the download, installation and enforcement of digital licenses for Windows and Windows applications. If the service is disabled, the operating system and licensed applications may run in a notification mode. It is strongly recommended that you not disable the Software Protection service.

What does this even mean? Is there any consequence to disabling the service apart from MS wanting me to? I am definitely NOT interested in getting around intellectual property, I just don't want crapware running on my PC and slowing it down or possibly causing system instability.

On a separate note, the description of various services has become rather more vague compared with Windows XP..and there are many more of them. My best guess this is done to intimidate non-superusers from touching the service, whereas the description should really be about being informative and helpful. Users can then make up their own minds.

Software Protection Service Windows 8 Disable


1 Answer

I would not disable this service.

The system files are checked if they are the same in system directory and in component store - this ensures system critical files are intact. Windows is constantly monitoring changes in system files (almost no overhead).

Update of system files is also a critical process as vulnerabilities in Windows are discovered almost every day and have to be patched if critical or your system would be exposed to threats.

Additionally running virus protection is also necessary which can be regarded as first line of defense against threats.

Stop Software Protection Service Windows 8

Driving fast is wonderful but it is better to drive carefully


Disable Microsoft Software Protection Platform Service Windows 8


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