Hex To Ascii Converter Program

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i have an hex string and want it to be converted to ascii string in C. How can i accomplish this??


3 Answers

you need to take 2 (hex) chars at the same time.. then calculate the int value and after that make the char conversion like..

char d = (char)intValue; Supernatural stagione 3 completa ita download.

do this for every 2chars in the hex string

Hex To Ascii Converter Program

this works if the string chars are only 0-9A-F:


strtol() is your friend here. The third parameter is the numerical base that you are converting.



Few characters like alphabets i-o couldn't be converted into respective ASCII chars .like in string '6631653064316f30723161' corresponds to fedora . but it gives fedra

Just modify hex_to_int() function a little and it will work for all characters.modified function is

Now try it will work for all characters.


protected by revoApr 13 '18 at 20:19

Hex To Ascii Conversion Program In Embedded C

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